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what services do you provide?
turn-key concrete.
JCC provides Residential and Commercial Concrete Construction services to replace, install, or extend your everyday concrete structures.
The phrase "turn-key" means that you will not need to contact any other contractor to have your concrete project completed. Our turn-key services can include...
Demolition (if needed)
Fill Dirt
Gravel or Subgrade
Compacting & Compaction Testing
Reinforcement Installation
Integrated Drainage Installation (materials not provided)
Vapor Barrier
Concrete Pour
Concrete Finish

FIre Pit Ranch
J. Callahan Concrete is thrilled to announce our support for Fire Pit Ranch (FPR). FPR is a local non-profit that supports young, disadvanatged boys through a dedicated faith-based menorship program. We are inspired by FPR's vision and are honored to support their mission. On average, it takes $1,085 to support one kid per year. JCC has pledged to donate 2% of our profits to this outstanding organization this year and for years to come! Please join us in supporting Fire Pit Ranch by clicking the link below and Donate Today!